I was a bit reluctant to go the Feng Shui way, mostly because I knew very little about it. But the references were impressive and Ms. DeBolle seemed to know what she was talking about. She really explained what she could do make our office space more attractive and conductive to creativity. It took only about two weeks and we began to see the difference, not only the space is inviting, relations among co workers seem to have improved. I am now considering doing a redesign of my own house. We will definitely use Claudine DeBolle again.
Julian Diaz – Miami
Merci d’avoir apporté la lumière dans ma vie. Avec toute mon affection
Arielle – Bruxelles
Feng Shui has definitely brought color to my life. At first, I was a little skeptical about all these ideas of energy and the universe playing an important role in our lives. I was never more wrong! Trusting the universe and working on the energy around you can totally change your life. Implementing Feng Shui in my house has been one of the most rewarding experiences ever. I have achieved so much by just working with color, shapes, and numbers. Throughout this journey, I was given an incredible gift and that was Claudine’s friendship. She is the kind of person that will always be there for you. Her positiveness is contagious, she is marked by optimism, and just by being around her gives you the strength you need to pursue your dreams. Feng Shui is now what I am all about!
Carolina – Miami
Finally I found someone so professional and personal. Claudine listens and delivers. Her international experience is an eye-opener. She can convert a thorn into a flower – millions thanks! I would recommend Claudine’s services on the personal (residential) and on the business (commercial) leve to anyone who looks minor or major changes.
Sandra Martinez
Claudine De Bolle was extremely instrumental in helping to transform the energy and feeling of my apartment in Regents Park, London. This historic building created in 1825 by the famous architect Nash, required extensive refurbishment whilst respecting the historical significance of its Grade I preservation status. Her subtle use of colours, combined with the careful placement of objects according to the principles of Feng Shui was perfect. Our guests compliment the look and feel as soon as then enter. Claudine has certainly created a wonderful home for my partner and I.
Sacha Zackariya – London
I want to thank Claudine from the bottom of my heart. Feng Shui changed my live ; there is a new positive energy in my home and …..in my heart!!! I just feel happier …
Thank you for all you have done for me!
Tommy Borstein
Traversant une période difficile de ma vie, j’avais envie de changements. Je cherchais l’ouverture et je me suis inscrite à un cours de Feng Shui.
Présente physiquement, mais la tête ailleurs, j’ai pu apprécier très la chaleur de ton accueil et de ton toi(t). Nous avons sympathisé et sommes restées en contact régulier.
Tu m’as beaucoup aidée par tes conseils avisés sans jamais imposer tes idées.
J’ai pris conscience de l’influence au quotidien des energies qui nous entourent et appris a les utiliser positivement.
Emporte au-dela des mers cette lumiere du Feng Shui qui eclaire les vies et les maisons mais surtout le plus profond de nous-memes.
Nadine – Soignies
De toutes les matieres, c’est le Feng Shui que je prefere…Et avec toi c’est un enchantement.
Apprendre en s’amusant, quoi de plus stimulant. Merci pour cet enseigment ludique et passionnant.
Claire – Bruxelles
Claudine De Bolle helped us when we had to install the entire interior of our apartment from scratch. It was a big challenge, and she helped design the color scheme, placement of interior features like stairs and walls, floor coverings, and doors.
We would have been absolutely lost without her. At first, I was worried that a design consultant would come in and try to put her own mark on our space, but this fear proved to be unfounded. In fact, that's the best part about working with Claudine: she helps you to clarify your own desires and tastes while giving incredibly helpful advice about what does (and does not) lead to a harmonious space. We are thrilled with the result, and can't recommend her services highly enough.
Stephen Dau
De retour sur les “terres alsaciennes” je voulais vous remercier pour ses deux jours riches d’echanges que nous avons passes ensemble. Il est toujours bon d’avoir des regards differents sur l’application du Feng Shui au quotidien et la facon de l’avoir partage avec notre groupe etait a la hauteur de votre
personnalite : Grandiose !!!!
Je vous souhaite un bon retour sur Miami et j’espere que vous y trouverez le succes et le bonheur que vous meritez.
Virginie – Paris
“I would like to tell everyone just how wonderful Claudine really is. I was “stuck” in a mess, a BIG mess. I believe people come into your life for a reason. I am in the process of pulling my world together now in regard to my living space. And it is all thanks to Claudine. She is gracious, non- judgmental, calming and reassuring. She has the soul of an angel. I am actually starting to breathe again in my soon to be beautiful condo. Talk about spring cleaning!!! If anyone out there who is stuck in clutter and an over-whelming accumulation of “things”, I highly suggest contacting Claudine. A big thank you to Estella who helped clear the cobwebs! She is amazing and also available to help other’s in the same rut. I am so excited to get down to the Feng Shei aspect of Claudine’s brilliance. Picture’s will be posted after. Everyone deserves to breathe…..but breathe with Claudine. Thank you Claudine for coming into my life.
Lezlie – Miami
Finally I found someone so professional and personal. Claudine listens and delivers. Her international experience is an eye-opener. She can convert a thorn into a flower – millions thanks! I would recommend Claudine’s services on the personal (residential) and on the business (commercial) leve to anyone who looks minor or major changes.
Sandra Martinez
I have watched the videos on you tube that Mme De Bolle has. I am considering changing course with my life, and Feng Shui seems to be the right path. When ready I will contact you. Thanks.
Lee Perryman
I want to praise Claudine for her gracious, soothing and professional expertise. I am thrilled to be working with her and am so excited to see the final look! I already feel a sense of calmness and renewal. I highly recommend her for anyone interested in decorating or rejuvenating not only your space, but your life.
Vicki Brown
Je t’ai fait entièrement confiance. Tu as défini mes goûts en quelques mots, tu m’as donné des conseils de décoration en fonction de mes moyens. Le résultat était super. Je n’ai eu que des éloges de mon petit “flat”. Je m’y sens très bien, je suis très contente de pouvoir revenir chez moi, j’en suis fière. Je garde tes coordonnées. Je ferai encore appel à toi. Je ne doute pas qu’à Miami, tu seras très demandée. Je te souhaite une belle expérience. A bientôt. Très gros bisous. Merci pour tout.
Nathalie – Bruxelles
Thank you so much for your work with us! Meeting you added sunshine to our life and home. Thank you for directing our new home in making sweet ideas to grow from welcoming energy for those who come.
We will always be your little happy family.
Christopher, Katherine and Laila